公司具有多年从事工程勘察的经验。具有汽车钻、水文水井钻机、工程勘察钻机、运输车辆、吊装、发电机等设备。采用专业勘察设计软件进行勘察数据的处理和报告的编制,工作成果全部实现计算机化、数字化。先后完成 32 条里程在30 公里以上(其中13 条为40 公里以上,21 条为设置隧道构造物,最长隧道达16km)的高速公路的初步勘察和施工图勘察工作以及数条高速公路的工程地质勘察、工程勘察监理及咨询工作。注重品牌打造,确保良好的声誉,所完成的勘察、监理项目,优良品率达到95% 以上,所获业绩得到了甲方的充分肯定,获得了履约“优秀”好评。
We have engaged in engineering survey for many years and got a lot of experience in this field. There are manyadvanced equipments in our company, such as auto drilling, hydrology and water well drilling rig, engineering driller,transport vehicles, hoisting, generators, etc. We provided professional survey and design software in analysing thesurvey data and programming the report, all the worarcomputerized and digital. We have completed the preliminarysurvey and construction survey about 32 expressways which are more than 30 km long (among all of these, 13expressways are more than 40 kilometers long, 21 expressways with tunnel structure, and the longest tunnel is up to16km) and several expressways geological survey, engineering supervision and consultation. We keep clear of the ideabrand
effect, to ensure the great reputation, all the survey and supervision quality is over 95%, and most were favourablynoticed by the owners and the sufficient affirmation.